Monday, 18 February 2019

Brain Dump

Honesty…… I've been really stressed lately. Totally overwhelmed by case loads at work, mentally taking on far too much of the trauma and crisis that the families I support exude. On top of that December, January and February for us are months of celebrating multiple birthdays, copious amounts of forced social interaction, organising parties and excessive present buying. Our children have been vying from overexcited to totally worn out and exploding in tantrums, way more than you'd expect at their age. I've been eating and drinking in a way that's left me feeling fat, tired and unhealthy, falling into a spiral of regret and self- loathing.  As much as I believe in being outside as much as possible throughout the winter and not allowing the colder weather to get in the way, our busyness every weekend and the early dark evenings just haven't allowed me to get the fresh air and nature therapy that I crave and need.

In all of this busyness, stress and negative thought patterns, I've forgotten what I need in my life to ignite joy and peace. I need to write…..whether it's private journaling, sharing my thoughts on life and sharing adventures on my blog, texting with a friend or creative story telling….writing inspires me and gives me purpose. I need to exercise……I recently re-joined the gym as it gives me motivation and accountability to know it's paid for. However with lack of time and illness, it just hasn't happened. I've hardly been on the yoga mat, but I know if I do my inner peace will be restored, if only for a moment. I need peace……I like my own company and sitting here now, alone in our holiday cottage (because I chose to forego a trip to the local car museum) I'm remembering how these moments of peace and calm nourish me in a world of demands from life and children. Usually I'd add fun and loving moments with family and friends to this list, but I've had tonnes of that these past 3 months. Lovely as it's been, I need a balance and my intention for the coming months is to nurture my health, to be inspired by writing and kickstart the blog before the summer adventures begin. Across the Merry Miles is  back…….. !!!!

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