Sunday, 8 July 2018

Plastic Free Challenge

I know I started this blog predominantly to talk about family travel, world education and parenting, but I'm ready to branch out a little (and it's all kind of linked).
Mini-me (aged 9) has a passion for animals that makes me prouder than I've ever been in my life. She latched onto the concept of refusing straws months ago after hearing the effect they were having on our sea creatures. She truly believes that animals are more important than humans and they need our protection over everything else.
When her school introduced a topic on coasts and gave them an open ended project to complete (I like to think my parent governor rants about pointless worksheet homework tasks have  made a bit of a difference this term), we decided to embrace her passion. To save her precious wildlife, we agreed to undertake a month long challenge of not buying any plastic at all.
I admit, I'm a total novice eco warrior and completely ignorant right now. Yes I recycle what our local council can manage and we do a lot of cooking from scratch, but I also buy the cheapest food I can from Lidl most of the time and that, by nature, tends to be totally over packaged.
So I've got some research and reading to do. I have a feeling the more I learn, the harder it will be and the more involved I will get. But I'm willing to give it a go. Who's with me?.....

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